Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Squirrel Cop


Listen to it.

Or you can not.

Anyway, today I was social. Hooray! I don't have a job though. Oh no! I tried getting a job as a telemarketer...though they claim it's not. The jobs were all taken though. :-(I can get a job as an assistant to the environmental studies department....yep.I can't save the earth by typing in data...but I guess it's a start.

I went to a GLOW (Gay Lesbian Or Whatever)meeting today. No, I am not gay, lesbian, or whatever. I'm a supporter....and supporters are allowed in the club too. Plus it's a way to be social without worrying about creeper guys stalking you. I guess...it might be girls now who might want to stalk me. Eh...I'll take it as a compliment. It was a lot of fun though. Fun people.

Alright. This is what I'm going to talk about today though:


Oh. My. God.

I don't care if this has been going on since the books first came out. It is still entertaining for me to read stuff like this. The first paragraph just kills me.

Oh yes, children yearn to be good and learn about the wonders of God's glory. Where do they go? The library...which is supposed to be safe and good and full of christian-approved books. Then those damn librarians have to come and expose our children to satan!!!! And to think...they stock those books right next to the beloved Narnia books! The horror of it all!

The little anecdote provided by some kid in Atlanta? Yeah I didn't understand that either. It seems like they left out a few sentences. I didn't understand the connection of witchcraft and depression. "I like the books. Therefore I wanted to see if the spells worked because I'm a kid and I do stuff like that. Then I got depressed for some reason in 7th grade. I mean...no one is depressed at that age!"

Then it goes on to mention that Harry doesn't pray to God when he tries to defeat Voldemort and stuff and that God isn't mentioned at all. Oh no! There's a lot of books that don't mention God. Clifford...Arthur...you know...supposedly kid friendly books. So one could say also that...these lovable books are actually books that are evil and written by satan. I mean come on...there's got to be some witchcraft behind Clifford's enormous size and the fact that Arthur is a talking aardvark.

I don't know what this CAP alert that she mentions is...but I'll be sure to look it up.

blah blah blah it ends with god Bless America.

Fun Fact:

books that have been banned in various places in the USA:
Grapes of Wrath
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Catcher In the Rye
To Kill a Mockingbird
...pretty much a great majority of the books we had to read in High School have been banned in other places.

Also surprisingly, "Julie of the Wolves" is a challenged book. Which, I honestly don't understand at all.


1 comment:

  1. Every kid is depressed at that age.

    Also, Harry Potter is basically the Narnia books with changed names and settings. They are both about overcoming the oppressive nature of the Nazis in WWII. Potter is slightly more veiled as to avoid copyright issues with the fact that they are exactly the same books as the Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings. Unoriginal sure, but it's in no way a Godless set of novels.
