Saturday, September 19, 2009


So I'm home.

I just got done packing most of my life away a few weeks ago. Now I'm back to pack up the rest of it and say goodbye to all familiarity.

I just realized that I really really missed my bed...and my shower...and my entire bathroom in tiger that sticks it's tongue out at blankets.

Oh yeah...I guess my family too.

I really missed my cat though. I was worried about leaving her. Turns out I was right. I left...and my cat stopped eating. She stopped coming up the stairs. She's silent...she never meows or anything. She can barely walk. She can't seem to close her eyes and sleep at the moment. She just sits helplessly in her basket most of the time.

I at least got her to drink. Her eyes are clouding over though. God I just cried when I saw her. I tried to put her in my lap so she could rest there...all nice a warm. She just sat on my lap and stared and wouldn't lie down. I pick her up...there's no resistance. She's a rag doll in my arms. She doesn't meow or anything at me. She purred a little...very softly though. She wouldn't even eat a ritz cracker. She loves those things.

What in the world has happened to my cat in the last 2 weeks? Sure she's 18 but...still. She was not like this when I left.

So here I my bed...unable to sleep.

You don't understand do you? It's not just a cat. She's my cat.

ah hell who reads this anyways?


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