Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It would be so much easier if...Part 1

It would be so much easier if I had a definitive label for my beliefs about the world and such. Like...Christian or Agnostic. Anything. Because, you know, we humans like to categorize things and make it all nice and organized so we know who to hate and who to be friends with in an easy and concise manner. *smirk*

In regards to religion, everyone usually has a label for themselves. In my case, I'm not sure what label I should give myself. Actually...I don't think I really want a label.

In this 3 part discussion, I will reveal what I believe, what I really don't care for, and what I don't give a rat's ass about.

I do not believe or care about following an organized religion. I don't think anybody has it right. Religions....tend to do more harm than good. It makes more enemies than friends.

This leads me to church services. Christian church services...I can't take them seriously. I feel awkward and confused when I'm there. I've always felt that way for as long as I can remember. Maybe it's the underlying intolerance that I can always sense. I don't remember when I made the transition from "yeah jonah and the whale is a true story" to "yeah it's probably not" though. That is, when I started being more skeptical towards the plausibility of the teachings. All I know is that I don't buy it and it's...just bizarre to me now. Other religious gatherings I think I would find highly interesting...but I don't think they would totally sell me. I'm just interested in other philosophies on life.

Prayer. When I prayed, it was usually an extension of me talking to myself. There was a time when I prayed and believed something could hear me. Then I would just get pissed when stuff wouldn't go right. So, I would just talk to my cat instead. Talking to my cat, I think, was a much healthier practice.I didn't expect anything from her...I just needed someone to rant to. Then she died. So now I just talk to myself or write. Meh. Wishing every 11:11 is the only thing I practice that's even close to praying anymore. It's...basically the same thing when you look at it. Saying something and wondering if anything is really listening...and if it really matters. Kinda like when I write on this blog.

I'm not sure about the whole afterlife thing. I mean, who can really know? So I don't concern myself with that too much. I'd like to think there's something similar to reincarnation. Something like...there's the same amount of souls present on the earth. When food is scarce, predators who die come back as prey and vice versa when food is abundant thus creating a perpetual balancing soul cycle. The trees that humans destroy become humans themselves. Soon an imbalance of how the souls are distributed will cause the collective soul of the earth to deteriorate as it strives and fails to reach homeostasis...-yeah something like that.

I'll go more in depth on the God in the Bible in the next part of this discussion....but I often wonder...if there is a God, and if it is all powerful, why doesn't it use that power and create a better world? So...obviously I don't think there's an all-powerful God. If there is...well that deity doesn't really give a damn now does it?

I don't believe truth can be found all in one book. Especially if that book is the Bible. You could find some forms of truth in there. I just...don't think the Bible is so great that it needs to be the only way. That's just silly. I believe we find truth within ourselves. We find truth in what we experience and learn. We find truth in various places...and it's up to us to find them and recognize them. Yes, it's not very clear on how that all works. But you know, not everything has to be black and white.

I think that is all I'll write for now. Let the controversy begin.


***I'm trying to make my blog posts super special awesome ultra special sexy again...kinda like they were before I got emo in the middle there. Yeah...that's why there's tech-savvy (not really) stuff in there all of a sudden***


  1. I love how it was posted at 11:11. Does that mean something? I do not believe in coincidence my friends.

  2. I never really got the whole prayer thing either. I never connected with someone above me in any way. So I eventually trailed off from my nightly talking to the ceiling, and then I just stopped. Now, I realize that was as early as 5 grade!
