Friday, June 25, 2010


What wondrous weathery things are happening this summer!

Except nothing has really happened at my house. BUT THE POTENTIAL IS THERE. ha.

Yesterday there was this odd smoke in my neighborhood. I was all "oh people are burning stuff." I continued getting ready to go to my mom's house and didn't think much of it. I stepped outside and I was greeted by the smell my oven has when you turn it on. Which is kinda like gas. I did not approve of this smell. I then freaked out a little ran to my car holding my breath and everything. I was confused by the smoke that smelled like gas. I drove away from my neighborhood. Goodbye suckers.

I turned onto (insert name of road here) and was all driving and stuff. As I came to the top of the hill that overlooked the city....I saw that the whole town was engulfed in this creepy, odd smelling haze. "HOLY SHIT" I said as well as "F**K" (that's what it sounded like....fuhstarstarkay)and panicked a little. WE WERE ALL GOING TO DIE. SOMEONE WAS TRYING TO KILL US ALL. Or so I thought.

I drove through the weird haze suffocating in my car because I refused to turn on the air (the air that comes out of the air conditioner comes from outside you know!). I made it to my mom's house, ran from my car to the house while holding my breath, and brought up the interwebs.

DAMN YOU (insert local news here)! They didn't have any information on the odd smelling haze. My lungs started to hurt. I was DYING! Or just having an unnecessary panic attack. Either way I was DYING. DIDN'T THE NEWS KNOW ABOUT THE POTENTIAL HEALTH HAZARD OUTSIDE!?

Eh after about an hour the website updated and told the people that there was nothing to fear. It was just smoke from Canada. The odd smell? They didn't know. That's just how Canadian smoke smells I guess.

So...I didn't die.


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