Friday, July 16, 2010

Torture Session

Alright. Since I'm bored and angsty....I figured the best thing to do was to read Twilight. I didn't want to go through too much effort to access the books. I won't disclose the method in which I have acquired them. Let's just say I'm fairly certain that what I am reading is the legitimate thing....but you never know. Viruses.'s the real deal.

Prologue: Not much intensity. Hunter? Eh. I don't really care. Maybe it's because I associate Bella with Kristen Stewart.

Gossip News I can't keep track of: The Bella chick and the Edward guy are dating in real life? Or maybe not? Cuz she's pregnant maybe? He's all freaked out about that so he dumped her? THE DRAMA.

anyways. Chapter 1. The whole describing what she's wearing reminds me of the worst fanfic. Then I spaced out a bit. "I wasn't allowed to call him Charlie to his face." Because, I call my dad by his first name all the time? Bella you confuse me. I've also noticed Meyers uses random big words like a desperate high school student writing a BS essay uses big words: to appear as though they are smarter than they actually are. UGH. The voice in my head for Bella can't even muster up any sort of emotion. This is excruciating dialog. I feel myself spacing out again. Bella seems overly concerned about her appearance....and quick to judge others appearances. This kid Eric offers to show her to her next class because he has the same class...and she's all "NERR HE'S SO OVER-HELPFUL." And yeah Bella, he's not gonna know you're being sarcastic. You kinda have to know a person to detect that most of the time. Also we can't just tell with you. Oh my god is this book done yet? Yes...the vampire people that you don't know are vampires are superior than normal humans in every way. Hooray. Man. I hate Bella's point of view.

I read the first chapter. I think I get the gist of these books. I don't think I can read anymore. I've seen the movies. That was enough I think. I give up. I fail.

Maybe I'll read the 4th book. I've heard it's really messed up. Sounds like fun.

Let's do that then. Maybe later.


***Note*** I feel like I have read the first two books anyway via Blogging Twilight.

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