Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I'm happy.

Yes this may come as an abrupt surprise. Usually people gradually work up to the happy thing when they were previously sad.

I don't work that way I guess.

I talked to my dear old friend Spike Jones you see. He just has a way of making me smile. Now I'm happy! Soon Spike Jones and Spud Jr. shall be reunited...and we shall save the world.

So that's the short story of why I'm happy...but the major point of why I am.

I'm gonna talk about that Titanic 100th Anniversary cruise now.

So apparently, there is a cruise line that will set sail and replicate the Titanic's journey. The company who built this cruise...also built the Titanic. They will stop at the exact spot it sank and have a memorial service the exact same day and time in which it sank. Then it will go on and complete the journey the Titanic was supposed to make.

It just seems like they are asking for trouble. Of course they mention to never fear because "the ship will carry enough lifeboats for people if something should go wrong". Well yay.

Now I'm going to talk about Paranormal Activity.

I don't know why....I hate being scared....but I really want to see this movie. I probably won't be able to sleep for weeks. I still have this weird desire to see it nevertheless. Ok...the PREVIEWS freaked me out enough that I couldn't sleep the night I watched that. If I do watch this movie, I don't know how I'm going to survive.

Well I'm going to learn languages now.


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